Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Itacare Day 3: No Albuergue

18 Oct 2009

One of the ladies at our hostel managed to schedule in that Mata Atlantica trail guide, she was great. So they were coming to pick us up at like 9:30 to go over to that area, but one friend and I sort of slept in, so the other two cooked the breakfast and cut the fruit and everything

Look at that isn't it displayed beautifully on a colorful tablecloth? And they made the toast and the eggs. I helped with like one toast in this medieval tool. jk. but I think it looks so cool.

In Bahia they have FLAVORED soymilk, not just "chocolate soymilk" but like apple, peach, pineapple, strawberry etc. This was was apple flavored. The mango was a bit fibrous, but delicious non the less.
Because the rest did most of the cooking, the other girl who slept in a little and I did the dishes. While we also made some sandwiches for our journey that followed. They were simple, wheat bread, mozzarella cheese, ham, and tomato sandwiches.

Since we didn't need that much oil, but we could only buy some rather large bottle of cooking oil, soo much was left over.
And we decided to leave it there for the communal kitchen.

"To the world, we leave a bottle of cheap cooking oil"
"everyone, share this one bottle"

From there we took a taxi, this day will be continued in the next entry....

Some pictures of the Alburgue, because I wasn't sure where to put these. but here we go:

This is the outside.

When you walk into the room. At the right is the reception desk.

The living room with a tv, and two computers with internet access. They charged 1 real an hour or something like that, which is not bad at all. They had Skype and IM and all these other popular internet communication tools.

I really liked the decorations; is a small library in that bookcase, and things just look natural because they use trunks and branches that seemingly haven't been altered much.

There's a hallway all the way to the right through a passage. They have this cool work of art.

At the end there is a little shower to rinse off the sand I guess.
These always trick me from far away. They sell these all over the place I think they're also little icons typical of Bahia.
All the rooms are distinguished by color. We got roxo, purple.
This is our room. 2 bunks, perfect.

A hammock. On that platform across the way, a man would always be doing his like Qi Gong or Tai Chi. I'm not sure but it was interesting. Under it, is the laundry room.

right in from of the communal kitchen.

Laundry room, so you can play music and everything!

It was great that the kitchen had netting to keep mosquitos and cats out.
This is the owner it seems. She had recently acquired these kittens, and so was periodically feeding them. I was really interested in hearing her story, It seems like she has a very interesting one. I know she is from Brazil but from all the pictures all around the hostel it seems she has been all around the world.

This is just a part of all the pictures she has of herself in so many cool places! I want to do that. I wanted to hear all her travel stories but there was no time :(.

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