Friday, August 28, 2009

Need scholarships?

Here are some websites with a lot of information on how to do that:

Gilman International Scholarship:

All Abroad U.S. --helping all students to study abroad

Fullbright (especially for those who have a research idea in mind!)

you can also contact the local Rotary Club

There is also this Center for Study Abroad that claims to offer more affordable study abroad programs:

TIPS***: I would really really recommend that you apply to these scholarships. If you are the type of person who is reluctant to look into scholarships because you feel like you know you're not going to get anything--I know, I've been there. But I learned it was totally worth it!

I actually got a scholarship! I got the Gilman Scholarship and it seems like they give out a lot every year, lots of my friends got them too, so really it's totally worth it. I'll do an entry on just the Gilman Scholarship to show my appreciation and how much it helped.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


a List of what I've done:
  • first I had to decide where I was to go and with my schools Education Abroad Program, EAP (the UC's program: )
  • Completed the long but do-able EAP application
  • was accepted so more paperwork to do
  • applied to scholarships
  • Had a health clearance
  • filled out a housing questionnaire (for my host family) and included a terrible picture of myself
  • signed lots of papers (things like accepting health insurance, emergency surgery, and saying my school isn't liable for anything bad that can happen to me)
  • I've completed part of the Brazilian Visa requirements (still working on it)
  • Health Travel consult
  • Had my yellow fever vaccination
  • gotten my travel meds (so I don't get diarrhea)
  • BUG repellant
  • and read lots and lots of info on safety precautions
  • kept up my grades, and haven't committed any crimes so that I'm still eligible
This sounds like a lot, but thankfully the deadlines are spread out and it's pretty easy if you pace yourself. yeah I started it all last spring quarter to get my stuff ready by January when the application was due

Here's a picture of a lot of travel health documents about malaria and yellow fever, which I will write about a little bit, EAP brochures (I'll also give a bit of a description of my program later), some parts of applications, health center receipts, and to do lists. A tip is really being aware of all the deadlines because it's easy to forget about them with your regular college student stuff.